Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Friday, June 29, 2012

What better to do to avoid the heat


It was a blistering hot day today in the D.C---I'm talking heat index 110!!!!  And now as I write this its being followed up by 80MPH winds and power outages(not at my house Thank you GOD)

So I grabbed a friend and headed to my little slice of bead heaven...Beadazzled

So many little time, and storage space....and well money.  But its so beautiful.

Going in there is slightly detrimental to my health...better yet my wallets health as well, I get in there and the ideas just start pouring out of me.  Which is GREAT.....except I'm not a millionaire so all my ideas need a basis.  Which is why I bought a sketchbook.  Now I can doodle out all the crazy intense things that pop in my head!

Now Off to enjoy my DC Summer.....101, 101, 96, 94...and we all know those 91s are phony!

TonightJun 29

Scattered T-Storms
104°FObserved High2:45 pm
Scattered T-Storms
W at 8 mph

SatJun 30

Isolated T-Storms
Isolated T-Storms
W at 12 mph

SunJul 1

Isolated T-Storms
Isolated T-Storms
WNW at 13 mph

MonJul 2

Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny
NNW at 11 mph

TueJul 3

Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
WNW at 9 mph

WedJul 4

Isolated T-Storms
Isolated T-Storms
WSW at 9 mph

ThuJul 5

AM Clouds / PM Sun
AM Clouds / PM Sun
ENE at 9 mph

FriJul 6

Isolated T-Storms
Isolated T-Storms
ESE at 8 mph

SatJul 7

Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny
S at 9 mph

SunJul 8

Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
SSW at 10 mph

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I say it
But I don't feel it
I need it
And want it
But the little 
Black hole of pain
Of anger
Keeps me from
Letting it go

Never can truly do that
But I will learn
Use the hurt to
Propel me forward
Use the pain as a guide
Stay open to life
But not get taken
For another
Potential ride


I've hidden behind a wall
Guarded by what I remember


I can not hide anymore

The creativity shall flow

Realizations and creations sometimes hit you at the craziest of times.......

1 am this morning and the urge to create and be fantastic struck.

      It also helped I had the input of a buddy to add to the thinking.

And the creativity leads to the thought process.... and the acceptance. I'm all types of scared to embrace this as a relationship but am totally open to it just coming as it comes. Fears of the past really weigh on us subconciously and conciously as well. 

Now comes the push through, I feel like I'm 75% there and over it.  The forgiveness part is whats holding me back.  I'm not angry but forgiving and forgetting are not my strong points. 

Maybe if I write out a letter to the past and to the future I'll be.....

Sunday, June 24, 2012


So true story....
I like him and that scares me.  He's hard to read and it makes me unsure....blah

Random rantings....on my way home

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sometimes you just gotta cry

Dunno what it is...but sometimes the best thing you can do is just cry.  let all the stress, pain and whatevers flow away.

So this is what I'm gonna Wicker Park(See prior post) Watch The Notebook....cuddle with my Ravens bird

And wish Mr. sir was closer cause I just really want a cuddle and a hug....damn female emotions


Not only is it a great movie

Its got some crazy twisted love/obsession happening.

Go see Wicker Park(its from like 2004) Above scene...the moment I fell in <3 with Josh Hartnett and Coldplay

YOLO! 26 is coming upon us

Plans plans plans

So I'm absolutely atrocious at planning things, however I've realized that I gotta work on that if I'm sir says "Go HAAAAAAAAMMMM" for the rest of the year.  (See disclaimer at bottom)


Ideas on the brain:::

1. Yankees-RedSox game in NY~~hello megabus!!!!  And lets be real this is also bucket list material
     July27thish or be decided
Yankees Schedule

2. Yankees-Orioles in Baltimore~~Lightrail+metro+bus=happy me

3.Ravens-Steelers(boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo) in Baltimore Dec 2nd!!!!!!
Ravens Schedule

 4.Ravens-Redskins(booooo) in DC Dec 9th!!!!

5. Ravens-Broncos(boooooooo) in Baltimore Dec 16th!!!

6-...? Still to be decided.  Kinda wanna see a beach though....hmmm never wished I had a vehicle so much

**Yolo Disclaimer**---These are just ideas...Going broke due to sporting events seems like a bad idea....Ugh if only I could win the lotto. You only live once but its not a good life if you're out on the streets.**

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Serious Throwback.....Damn I miss highschool

PAPA ROACH--Last Resort

What's there to not like about this song?????

Reminder folks....I'm from DENVER

P.O.D.  Youth of the Nation
"Oh Angelo....the crazy stuff you got me interested in...."

High school was worries 

And I still rock this song full blast!!

Music throwback!!!


Favorite lyrics::::

I never really wanted you to see
The screwed up side of me that I keep
Locked inside of me so deep
It always seems to get to me
I never really wanted you to go
So many things you should have known
I guess for me theres just no hope
I never meant to be so cold

My poor grandmother heard this song daily during Highschool....mightve been the driving force behind me getting my own car LOL

Back off we'll take you on,
Headstrong to take on anyone,
I know that you are wrong,
Headstrong we're headstrong,
Back off we'll take you on,
Headstrong to take on anyone,
I know that you are wrong and this is not where you belong

That heat cray!

First can someone please direct me to the nearest splash pool.  I just wanna be sprayed with cool water for like thirty minutes.  And listen to totally inappropriate music(juicy j anyone??) 

The job has no ac which is fine for the nostalgic vibe however I'm dying....and naked is not an option in public settings...struggle. 

In the words of a customer..."yeah...its a hot motherfucker out there "  ha!!! He just made my day. 

Tine for caffeine....ICED caffeine

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Beat Flows From Within

Reasons I love new jobs....a whole new world of people including their musical interests.

Bands I'm feeling, flowin with, and possibly crushing on (in no certain order)

META-newer DC band with a debut on the excited heard them play live Friday night and yeah....BUENO!

Redline Graffiti-Hmm...words....honestly AWESOME  Just click the bandcamp link and listen to Numbers and tell me you're not feeling it.  follow here:

listen here:  

Missed hearing them at Artomatic(grrr) a week ago...kinda bummed not gonna lie.  However....Already on the calendar!!

Paperhaus- Its a band, and its a house.  WHAT??????  Yet again, AWESOME.  Its like a crazy blend of smooth bluesy sounding vocals with a little kick of "OOOOO so thats how you feelin huh"  And they're super cool dudes.

Seriously though, if you appreciate good music check em out

Friday, June 15, 2012

Escaleftoring and When to Merge

I remember back in 2004, a group of young freshman Howard University students set off to explore what would be their new hometown for the next 4(+) years.  They set off to the Subway...and were then corrected that its a METRO, and hopped on the escalator.  The group was soon informed of an unwritten-written rule, Stand on the RIGHT-Walk on the LEFT.

As a member of that group I remember that day very well. 

Curiously the longer I'm in DC, I find myself being that person rushing past tourists with a hurried "Excuse me" as I try to zoom down the left side...Which leaves me wondering, why has no one made a pamphlet for tourists.  Surely the Chamber of Commerce or travel agencies could easily slide it in with the many, many hotel brochures.  Just a simple little note to say "Hey, to avoid angry Washingtonians, keep to the right at all times."  

Now I know you're like "Wow. At all times?" But yes! All Times!!  This mostly comes from the many tourists who choose to take up the entire sidewalk and refuse to merge over when they see people walking(yeah, I have tourist problems) Ok ok I'll concede they're on vacation and its a brave new exciting world for them....but I and the ten people about to run me down, are on a schedule, and the ten people about to run me down are on a government lunch schedule/better known as a meeting break, so they really don't care if you get the picture of that sign and that one and that one.  And I just prefer not getting trampled by men in suits....its not sexy

Yet another blog that's gone from Z

Brought to you by me....a currently undercaffeinated scorpio

"I'm Proud of What I am....I am a Librarian"

....Okay so as you all (probably) know, I am no librarian, that is my favorite line from "The Mummy" though.  I am however the proud new owner of a DC Public Library card.  And in true me fashion....already have 3 books checked out, and 4 on hold.  In my defense...they're free I didn't buy em.  LOL....

I'm adding this into my whole new life thing I have going on now...books, the great outdoors, and a couple of cocktails(shhhhh). Basically getting out of my zone(a.k.a. my bed) and going exploring.  With a little bad planning you find a lot of awesomeness in DC.

Case in point...Lower Senate Park

I stumbled on this little slice of heaven like 3+ years ago after a really bad breakup...and well POOF here lies peace.  Its a great little spot, with two...yes two different fountains(the pic is the top one)

And this little one here....tucked off on the side of one of the many museums in DC, with a matching one on the other side of the building.  

So as you can see I gave you no directions for these two little fountains. Honestly 50-85% of exploring is finding the stuff that isn't on the maps.  

So go out!
Explore and see what you find

And if you're exploring in DC you might just find me

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Mason jars, Flavored Water, & More....

So you'll have to excuse me if this post seems like one long internal conversation cause is.

I kinda fell off the wagon with the healthy eating plan especially lately(beers and fries oh boy) so I've decided its time to get set mentally, physically and emotionally.  Maybe this all comes from working with a life coach-Pause: She's not my life coach she's just my co-worker AND a life coach- so many of our talks during our shifts at work are all about getting yourself centered and happy.  Basically I need to start by putting myself right body, mind and soul.  Starting with the body; I can't be of a centered mind and still be treating my body like crap.  

So here's the start. 

 Finding ways to make water fun, I know I know its water its not supposed to be fun, but add in some herbs, or some fruit and its a tasty glass of happy health.  My current favorite basil-strawberry water.  No real need to sweeten anything just smush the fruit and herbs and go to town.  OOO! and hibiscus lemon turns really dark but its delicious and super refreshing, and considering the current temps in DC, refreshing is wonderful.  

Of course really the start was cleaning the kitchen totally.  I mean throw out old stuff and scrub down fridge shelves clean.  Of course now I need a new dish drainer but it was necessary.  

And of course my new fascination...mason jars! You get like 9 for $11 at a hardware store and can try out all kinds of combinations for fun(yes this did start as a liquor experiment but shhhhh)

Off to drink some water and relax on this beautiful day.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Here we go

I think I've finally made some big time decisions.  I'm taking the rest of this year to breathe, whoo sah, and become a happier, healthier me.  NO that doesn't mean some drastic diet or highly intense workout. It means putting Jessica(J-bizzle, JSquiggle, J-boogie, Greeneyes, Piggy, Skittle, Jesster) comments on the variety of crazy names please.

So to start I got a job I actually enjoy going to...major upgrade from feeling like "I have to go to work so suck it up and do it", and I've already cut down/cut out some of the bullshit from my life(sorry kids grown ups are talking, cover your ears).  I'm finding my own little life.  Crazy its taken 25.5 years to do so but well its been an interesting road.

Next step, making me...well me.  No more association with past me...outside of the dear loved ones I have, even if they are all crazy, truly one can never get rid of their HU family and well why would they want to? I'm figuring out the style for my designs, and ready to put forth the full effort into making it a reality(shooting for 2014 since I got yelled at for saying 2015)

Basically this here chick is ready for life. And all the exploring I get to do to find LIFELOVEHAPPINESS.  Oddly enough most of the deep thought process came from watching an old "Wendy Williams Show" interview with Stacey Dash(minor girl crush) and one with Raven Symone(semi major girl crush) in short..letting others define how you roll is not the life anyone should want to live.  And this is me defining me!

Not gonna hide it, this has mostly been a rant after a night out but all in truth.

Signing off and finding utopia

Friday, June 8, 2012

Review Time!!!!

First up....
The Pink Snapper

Heard about this place from a coworker who said it put Sweet Mangoes to shame.  So I had to try it.  

First the lunch special is UNBEATABLE $7 for any chicken meal and a soda.  And were not talking a small amount of food.  Second you get a plantain with your meal...I took my food to go and was seriously debating going back for more plantains(I've had some so/so experiences so they aren't usually my favorite item)  And lastly the two women there when I went in were so nice and friendly which was a big change from my experience at the prior mentioned place(apparently I should just KNOW????)  

Overall I'm satisfied and definitely going back to try the jerk chicken very soon.

Hooray good food in Petworth!

Aaaand Second.....
DC Reynolds

Really more of a 3.75 stars.  Only been here a few times so I'm still a little on the fence.  The first time I went was amazing 5star kind of experience.  The food was tasty and a little bit more quality than you generally get at bars(kimchii on a bratwurst)  and the drink specials from 5-9 are too hard to pass up.  2-for-1 keeps me coming back.

The other two times have been a little....ehhhh.  They are frequently out of my favorite beer that they carry Chocolate City Copper Ale(delicious you must try) and the most recent time I went they seemed to be running out of everything food related little by little all by 9:45.  

In most cases hey whatever you're out of something cool no big deal but it felt like instead of just saying "sorry we're out, but ______ is really good too" our waitress just kept giving us the "we've been slammed and the computers went down so yeah no we don't have that right now" excuse.  But ok sure you've had a hectic night.  I'd actually probably knock another star off for the last time we went....25+ minutes waiting for FRIES(that then never came)-just no!

The bathroom(s) can't speak for all of them only went in the one on the main level near the patio door.  However EWWW.  Please just peek inside every hour or so cause it was atrocious.  

Somewhat dive bar-esque but like an upscale dive bar.  I'd still go back though I mean 2 for 1!!!!  YES!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012 if I need them

Reasons I am starting to hate HULU....yea Hate!

So seriously whoever is running the behind the scenes at hulu is clearly not using they're full brain potential...  I'm catching up on weeks of Greys, family guy, the simpsons and other shows I'm just not ready for the public at large to know I watch when slowly it goes from a smooth running program to a sketchy ad laden POS.  First why do your shows play smoothly but the 2 30 second ads you force me to sit through every fifteen or so minutes pause about eight times a piece, turning my 60 second pause into 100+ depending on the ad.  And then could they be for more IRRELEVANT items???

But okay fine the ads keep the service free....hooray for free!  But then instead of the ad loading I get a sign saying my ads arent enabled.  Really?? So how did I watch those other 9 ads????  Even better my browser isn't blocking your ads.  I checked so now I have to reload and completely restart my video(and yes I was on minute 36 of 43..BLOWN) and hope I don't get yet another stupid enable ads craptastic moment.

So yes Hulu I will not be paying for your service yet, as your free service should show me the greatness that you could give.  And well....I'm on the proverbial fence with you and your service type ideals.  Maybe if I can watch some old Buffy episodes we'll talk.

Yes I still watch Buffy!!!!

Daily Grill Georgetown.....Best hug out EVER

Went on a Saturday for late night happy hour after leaving another place with a horrible drink special.  Have to say in our search for weekend happy hour/drink specials this was probably the best one(after 9pm)  All day drink specials $3, $4, and $5.  Super friendly bartenders that make a delicious martini.  

Would probably give it closer to 3 and a half stars out of 5 only as there kitchen closes at midnight but they stay open til 1 or 2am...not really sure which.  But again super friendly bartender was completely okay with us grabbing Five Guys and coming back in(we didn't, but nice to have the option)

All in all for a late Saturday night, Daily Grill was exactly what I needed.  Even the drunk guys weren't an issue the manager is really on top of keeping out "extras"/ "I'm too drunk to know I'm being stupids"  He doesn't necessarily throw people out, the only uber drunk he tossed he literally wrapped this man up in a hug and HUG-WALKED him out the was so smooth it took us a minute to realize what was going on...and we were sitting by the door.  Classy--I like it!

And a special thanks to Jay our bartender.....don't even know what the drink was but DELICIOSO