Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Paperhaus Tour!

Hey all!

So my good friends Paperhaus are heading out on tour soon and I'm super excited for them!  But as they're struggling musicians they need a little help so head on over to their kickstarter campaign  Paperhaus Goes on Tour

Even a dollar gets them closer to the goal!

Happy Caffeination!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

grr moment

Now this post might be a little crabby because of my mood.  HOWEVER!

To all the pop up establishments, can you please PLEASE post your hours?  How hard is that?  And I'm naming names.  Blind Dog..I need cafe hours guys.  I was starving, and craving sweets...there you were just two blocks away and with no outside signage to tell me I would not find the baked sweets I craved so in I bounced taste buds tingling, to find nothing.  I didn't need a bar at 415 I needed sweets!

So yeah I'm heated.

but whatever ended up walking a mile and buying some groceries

Being a girl SUCKS! (sorry tmi)

Monday, February 11, 2013

I'm back!

Hey my fellow overcaffeinated(and undercaffeinated) loves.  Sorry for the serious drop off in all things blog world but the world on the outside of the laptop got a little chaotic.  But I'm glad to say things are slowly forming a stable existence for me.  Back down to one job and gotta say its actually a relief.  You'd be shocked how exhausting my life was getting for a while there.

Also glad to say, even though I've been M.I.A. from the blogisphere I have NOT been missing from the gym.  7 weeks strong as of today!!!!  *doing the happy dance*

And just signed up for Barre3!  Check em out here :: Barre3 - I've been wanting to take a class for a while but with all the local studios pictures being filled with tiny not me looking people I was worried I'd be discouraged and *POW* along comes Barre3- truthfully I stumbled into it following a pinterest pin...oh pinterest how I love thee-  not only do they have a studio in dc (ok its in Georgetown but I can suck it up) they also have barre classes ONLINE!  Ummm YES! Plus, not only are they online but they're designed to do at home without needing much space.  Just signed up for the "28 to Great" promo so very very excited.  Check out the free workout they have on the site- great warmup for the legs!

Well til later!