Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Monday, March 19, 2012

Adios Tim Tebow.....

Adios Senor....Its a fickle world out here in the NFL....

Growing up in Denver there was one thing very certain, you were a Broncos fan, and you loved Elway. Unless that is you were ME.  Raised in an all Dallas household there was no love for all that was the Denver Broncos. No blue, no orange NOTHING!  Crazy some may say but for me Dallas was football life

But living in Denver for all 18 years of pre-college life taught me one thing....the team as an institution...not as loyal as the fans and even the fans have their fickle moments.  So while the ENTIRE 2011 season was allllllll about how great Tebow was and how Tebow should be the starter and OMG TEBOW TEBOW TEBOW.  Now just 3 months(give or take a week) have passed since the end of the season and well....

Were sorry Tim but Peyton is just......well he's Peyton ********* Manning!  No more "Tebowing", no more 4th quarter comebacks.  Where has the love gone hometown? Where oh where?
Manning to Denver   Oh! Thats where.  Its already left Tebow and embraced Peyton, but I thought he was your hero???  Not to mention the few random...for lack of a better word...Jackasses who got Tebow tattoos....guess what that will never spell Peyton no matter how hard you look at it.

Of course I'm all for loving different players, teams, etc. etc.  After all once away from the blue and orange and silver haze of being a Cowboy house in Broncos country I found there are actually 30 count em 30 other NFL teams out there!  Who knew???  Yes people judge but hey guys Screw u, u grow up seeing really only one team play every week and only knowing the stats of 2 you'd be a little misguided as well.

Still love the Cowboys but hey....things CHANGE

and oh wait for it.....

(FYI::definitely own this shirt)

In conclusion to my full on football rant.  GO RAVENS and well Tebow.....don't cry????  ***sarcastic shrug***

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