Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Crushes are for Masochists..

I've never been one thats really good at letting someone new "in".  So having a 5+ year long crush on an out of state friend never really bothered me.  I never told him, he never knew, and any "right time" timing we would have had was always clouded by other relationships(his and mine).  So now *Poof* and he's not so out of state anymore, and somewhere I found an ounce of courage to mention this years long crush....

Enter the masochistic phase...

Really why tell him?  Does it really change or factor in anything not already there?  Not so far.  Big  'ol open secret out in the world and typical male  Awesome that is EXACTLY what I was looking for, now  trust I was not looking for some declaration of love and dating, but maybe more

the conclusion.  Crushes are for masochists.  And maybe its not so much the crush as it is, the telling of the crush that just leads to punching yourself in the jaw "ow-ness"

Just keep chasing......


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