Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Letter to my unborn son

Dear son 
Who I have yet to meet
I pray you have a better....
A better world
A better opportunity
A better chance
I pray you live to see 100
See the world for all its glory
That one distant day 
You'll bury me...
Not me burying my teen
Oh dear son
Be careful
For if the world has not changed
My child I have yet to meet
Your skin will be seen
By some
As something to fear
I pray 
My beautiful son 
That I have yet to meet
No random stranger will see you 
And think of a coon
A hoodlum "getting away with it"
Whatever the it 
May be
I pray my beautiful son
That I have yet to meet
You grow in a world
Where being you isn't a fatal ideal
Where being out with a friend 
Isn't a call for police
I pray 
My beautiful son 
That I have yet to meet
You will not be seen
As a villain
As a criminal
And most of all
I pray
My beautiful son
My beautiful baby boy that I have yet to meet
I pray that when I meet you
You will no longer have to fear
Being in the wrong area
My beautiful black son
Who I have yet to meet

No not pregnant, just came to mind....#TrayvonMartin

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