Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March Madness My Way

March brings College Bball tournaments, spring, leprechauns and for me the first hard push for 2013!

Started the year getting my body accustomed to working out on a regular, now its time to rev it up!  2L of water a day, keeping the caloric intake in control, carbs well they are still a struggle-I like bread.

So here's the plans so far, sounds intense but definitely worth it!

March Goals
~~ A whole month of working out..."No Days Off" at least 30 minutes a day  -started 3/3 so I'm going on through til 4/2
~~ 3 weeks no bread starting next week
~~ Start the search for a yoga studio-taking advantage of the week for $20 most places have to offer
~~ Barre3 daily
~~ Fitness class a week
~~ Prep food for the week on Sunday
~~ March Into Spring Challenge on Spark People!
~~ Only weigh in once a week for the challenge
~~ Walk more!
~~ Get another minute off my mile walk its at 16:30 right now

My form of March Madness!

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