Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Blessings of life

I honestly have the most amazing Grandmother(or as I have and always will call her Nana) in the world.  She  can almost read my mind when it comes to life situations.  One roughish phone call, and then three hours later calls back just to ask about my jewelry biz, and what all I need to get it going.  My entire life we've been on the same wavelength and I absolutely adore it.  Yeah we have our moments but any Libra/Scorpio combo will.

I'm blessed to have that woman in my life...I truly think if their was some weird travel through time, me and her would be best friends.

Hmm, life as an almost grown up...

toodaloo yet again
Back to the caffeine

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