Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sparks of the beginning

Love is blind and it'll take over your mind, what you think is love is truly not you need to elevate and find......

Affection vs True Love
Lust vs Love
Want vs Need

Ask yourself...have you ever really honestly been in LOVE?
 At one time I thought I was, felt it deep within my being that I Loved this person....But love is not a one way street and when you find yourself giving, giving, giving, giving...and never GETTING it wears on you.  The emotional integrity you carry within yourself gets used up like the spot on the rug everyone walks on and changes you forever.

Admitting I'm deeply bruised internally from all that came from the past

Truly where does one go?  To heal and not form new attachments, new emotions?  There was a time I would have given up and crawled deep in a hole, and hid from all the bright scary parts of the world.  But now I see that pain finds you in the dark as much as it does in the light.   Alas, things are hard to figure out.  Maybe that is the plan of just be confusing.  If we all knew how it was supposed to go, the excitement wouldn't be there.  And what is this crazy thing called life without the excitement??

This is the start of forgiveness...Let the waters of the world wash away the scars on your heart and trudge on through the trenches of life. And draw new experiences into your life via people, via music, via art...through whatever you choose....

But always stay caffeinated


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