Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Monday, July 30, 2012

An Open Letter....

To whom it may concern:

I'm writing to all media broadcasting companies.  To the Presidents, Hosts, viewers, producers....everyone.  Please stop showing the faces of killers on our televisions when you talk of the crimes they committed.  For every broadcast, speaking specifically of the recent shootings in Aurora, that you show this criminals face he's getting exactly what he wanted.  Exposure.  Show a picture of Aurora, a picture of one of the candlelight vigils.  Show images of people coming together after the fact to hold each other up through this terrible time.  But just stop pandering to the wants, and wishes of criminals.

Why should his image be displayed over and over again?  What has he done to warrant such attention?  Nothing positive; so why give it to him?  I may be alone in this matter but I for one would rather see a blank background accompanying articles related to him.  There is no good that can come from giving him more exposure.  He's a human being who did a terribly, disgusting and most of all cowardly thing yet daily his face is everywhere.

Where are the stories and the faces of the people trying to make sense out of all of this?  Lets stop focusing on the killer and focus more on the amazing heroic moments that occurred on that night.  Give some attention to the community as a whole that is now shaken.  For once can we focus on something other than the perpetrator?  It seems we as a society are always so quick to latch on to the story of the guilty party instead of the stories of the innocent.  So lets change that.  And lets focus on the innocent parties and not the guilty.  Show me a community holding themselves together, don't just move on to the next story and forget about all of the people affected.

Someone Asking for a Change

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