Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Really ma'am you brought your own tea??

Scenario(copied from an earlier facebook post)::

                 Why wait until we basically kick you out of the shop to say....sorry i have a food allergy and can't eat certain things...shouldn't you have mentioned that when the OWNER first approached you?? Instead of catching a b*itch attitude like he was in the wrong???

I'm pretty positive there is at least one natural food cafe in the DC area that doesn't mind you bringing in your own drink mixes and teas etc etc....but they've probably already got it there to SELL to you...cause that what businesses do they sell you products and you sit and use the wi-fi....not you bring in food and use the wi-fi for free.....come on hun think!

So that's what I dealt with today.  Its not so much a matter of you having a food allergy and wanting to venture out in public, its your attitude when spoken to about not making your own drinks in our establishment.   No doubt the whole thing could of gone down much easier, we probably even have a tea thats safe for you to consume...there's like 15 options....  I can't imagine going to IHop and pulling out some OJ and pancakes from home, then buying a sprite cause I was told I wasn't a customer.

Now I'll be honest, in the yester years of my Howard education, there were many a cram session at Starbucks fueled by Wings over Washington...however we shared with the staff and bought as a unit about 7-9 drinks while we were there.  And we always, ALWAYS asked first just in case it wasn't a good move(district manager in town etc.)

Keep good habits when visiting your local community businesses....I'm done ranting for now time to start closing up shop

Stay caffeinated folks!!!

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