Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

New York Postponed and Planned

So I'm officially pushing the New York trip back to October. A combinatin of being cheap and broke at the same time...or as I like to call it "I'm being Frugal."
The trip now is..... Most likely the 1st/2nd of October, and I've decided its gonna be like a 2 day trip...maybe 3 we'll see how August goes and what hotel rates are looking like.  I'd love it to be 3, there's just so much to see, do and experience, outside of the Yankees which yes, that is a MAJOR reason behind the trip.

On a more serious side of the trip, I've been thinking a lot about the question I have in my life.  So while in NY I think I might get in contact with my father, have dinner, talk and maybe he'll listen and I'll listen.  Figure out what's what and what can be, make a start at not being strangers.  Getting towards the age where you start thinking about kids in the future(the >3 years future) you start to think back when you were a kid, and all the things that now as an "adult" you think about differently.  Without a doubt I LOVE my grandparents for all they gave me, and my mom for being there.  But a child still wants to know......

The Plan(so far)

So go up on a Sunday morning hang out see some sights, dinner, Monday...more sights, yeah I don't really have a total plan yet, Yankees-Sox game 7:05pm start time~EPIC hang out a bit after sleep come back Tuesday morning.....Yeah thats all I got at the moment, maybe come back Tuesday midday...shooting for a nice $8 ticket!  Thank you megabus

Things I really wanna do~~~~~~~~

  •  Central Park! I mean that's like a requisite, even if I just walk through part. 
  • Museum of Arts and Design is definitely on the list...$15 admission...not too bad
  • The MET(Metropolitan Museum of art)-steeper admission price but feel like its definitely worth it $25.  Might be a fun pre-ride back thing to do...Definitely gonna need a few hours in there
  • National Jazz Museum in Harlem
  • The Nerd in me wants to go to the New York Public Library at Fifth & 42nd
Now to plan some more

Remember Stay Caffeinated!

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