Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Apartment Therapy January Cure

So its not an apartment per se...more a house...3 rooms and a kitchen in a house.

So this officially kicked off today.. Day 1 is make a list of projects to do around the house, then to simplify the list to 3-5 items per area.

Here's my list!!

        *Clean up space inbetween doors
        *piles on and under mail table
        *Mail sorter?

Living Room:
         *Clean couches
         *What to do with gigantic table

Dining Room:
         *Move storagey stuff to basement?(corner)

         *Plastic table cloth
         *Organize cupboards
         *Toss out unused dishes etc.
         *Kitchen closet clean up/New broom

          *New showerhead
          *Under cabinet clean up

Bedroom-Living room:
          *Find space for workout stuff
          *Desk cleanup-what to do with jewelry pieces

          *Repaint dresser
          *Restyle bed area
          *Home for laundry basket
          *Room divider?

          *Ask Mr. A about getting rid of extra stuff, clean out back

Not a bad list, simplified down to a few tasks per 1 is complete!

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