Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Thursday, January 3, 2013

January Cure Day 2

Designate an "outbox" space and place one thing in it.

I've decided on the dining room since its rarely if ever used and it's got a nice sized bag of donation clothes in it already!  Gonna add more to it little by little as the month goes on.

1. Anything can go in the Outbox
2. The Outbox is allowed to get messy
3. Everything must stay in the Outbox for at least one week
4. After that time you have several choices
a. Take anything back out
b. Leave anything you are undecided about for one more week
c. Dispose of the rest by moving to the garbage, recycling bin, or giveaway pile

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