Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Sunday, January 20, 2013

January Cure Day 9-13...Catchin up is hard to do

Playing catch up is not easy!  So apologies now....this is gonna be a long one!

And Here We Go!(Say it in The Joker voice for maximum impact(RIP Heath Ledger))

So Day 9's task was to create a "landing strip" somewhere to sort through keys, mail, and other odd ends.  Like a filter to keep things from making there way fully into your house...gotta keep out the junk.  So I'm actually going to make 2 landing downstairs in the main entry and another in my room.  Already have the one in the room set up, it's actually the top shelf in my "workspace" shelving- a dish for my keys already set in and soon to be added a mail sorter/slotter GOODBYE JUNKMAIL PILES! 

For downstairs I'm thinking a mail sorter or paper sorter kind of thing, a coat rack would be really great and a place to store wet umbrellas...currently we just toss 'em in the corner.  But definitely a future plan, at least parts but now I've got a plan

Day 10 -- Work on goal project.  Another two-fold task.  My goal project is the kitchen cabinets; got started cleaning all of my dirty dishes so I have an idea what all I was going to need space for.  The other goal, technically the landlords project, is reinstalling the first floor bannister light.  Hooray for lit stairwells!!!!

Day 11- Media comment LOL. Sorry but I love my music/ tv/ background noise....window faces a fairly busy street...with a bus route

Day 12 -- Decluttering books and media.   This is actually one project that I can say is FINITE!  Favorite movies are on the tv table, close backups right on the bookcase next to it, and a great trip to Ikea led to a side shelf next to the couch:) (pictured below)

And Lastly my weekend chores....they hit me with a biggie this week....(cue dramatic music) the bedroom.  My bedroom is a catchall....bags, gym clothes, newspapers...everything and anything seems to find its way right on to my bed.  I was actually very excited about this weekend chore I've got family coming into town and's great having an extra push to get the place cleaned up.  The "office" portion is still in need of some loving but got things reorganized for more functionality.  
Check out these pics!
Scarf storage solution!!! $3.99 from Ikea-- It's actually a pant hanger but works perfectly for scarfs(or even ties)

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