Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Sunday, January 13, 2013

January Cure Day 8!

Weekend Chores::
Flowers, Kitchen Cleaning, and Make Yourself a Meal.

So first...From Apartment Therapy

This Weekend's Assignment:
• Buy your Weekly Flowers (and enjoy them!)
• Clean Your Kitchen and Declutter/Organize as You Go
To help you organize your time and your tasks, here are some excerpts from Maxwell's kitchen cleaning plan from The Eight Step Home Cure:
1. Clean all surfaces, inside and out, with a good earth-friendly surface cleaner.
a. Counters (and sink)
b. Cabinets
c. Refrigerator
d. Floor (if it needs it again)
e. Stove
f. Other appliances
Remove shelf liners and replace or wash and replace. Moving everything in order to do the washing will allow you to reach bottles, jars, and boxes that you may not have seen in a long time. The foods we keep in our kitchens should be fresh and replenished frequently.
2. Remove all food:
a. past its expiration date
b. Unused for more than twelve months
c. In containers that are nearly empty
Look hard an your own kitchen. If a food item in old, throw it away; if it is unopened and you will never eat it, give it away. Aim to reduce the mass of your stored foods by at least 25 percent.
3. Remove all cups, glasses, and dishes that are
a. Chipped, stained or unmatching - unless the unmatching is intentional :)
b. Extra or unused
Seriously edit down the odds and ends in your glasses, dishware and servingware. If you notice that you are short on certain items, add a note to replace them to your list of projects.
4. Remove cookware you don't use.
• Find a Recipe and Make Yourself a Simple, Enjoyable Meal
Maxwell notes that "using your kitchen regularly is the only way to keep it in good shape" and is central to the well-being of a home. Whether cooking at home is something you normally do daily OR rarely, be sure give it a go this weekend - you'll be more connected to your kitchen, more empowered to keep it clean and organized and you'll be well fed - not a bad deal!
1. Find a simple-sounding, new, delicious-to-you recipe and give it a try. If you are looking for some inspiration, our sister site, The Kitchn, has a whole archive of them to choose from.
2. Make a quick shopping list, and pick up any ingredients you need for the preparation (maybe at the same time as doing your flower shopping?).
3. Relax and enjoy the preparation process and your meal
4. Be sure to clean up after yourself

Simple enough....BUT it's Playoff Time and the Ravens had a HUGE game.  So in full honesty all I got done this weekend was the flowers :-) Gonna bump the kitchen cleaning to tomorrow!

Oh and they won the game. GO RAVENS!!!!!!!!!!

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