Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January Cure Day 5!

Day 5!!!!!!

Today's Assignment:
Review your list and and choose a project that fits the below criteria:
A project that can be completed this month, in a few hours. Remember, you'll be very busy with the rest of your Cure assignments, so don't get overly ambitious in your choice - stay practical on the time commitment required.
A project that will make a noticeable difference in either how you use your home (organizing, flow), how something works (repairs) or how things look (decluttering, decorating).
A project that you'll be proud to share with the rest of us!
Once you've made your choice, do the following:
Take a few before photos. You'll want a record of how great a job you'll do AND we'd love it if you share it with us as a before and after down the road a bit.
Tell us exactly what single project you've decided to tackle in the comments below. It's a good idea to make a commitment to the whole group on what your goal project is - the more of us that participate fully, the more strength we all have as a group to really get the work done!
Do your basic prep work. Some examples on what you can get done on the project tonight, online: do some online research on how to do best do your project, ditto on the research for materials and items needed, create a shopping list for supplies, find inspiration photos.

So I'm going with Organize the cupboards in the kitchen...this will also help with setting up my room more efficiently! More to come!

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