Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!!!

So this isnt really a resolution post more just a plan for 2013....I'm taking the great things from 2012 and pushing them straight into the new year...

So let the list begin

For starters more dedication to this Pescatarian/Semi-Flexatarian lifestyle. So many deliciously tasty meaty foods....must find a balance.  Cutting it all out wasn't too bad but I've gotten crazy big urges for it and end up eating more meat then my body is used to aka tummy ache.

Along with that goes more home cooking; and taking lunch to work.  My mom got me an awesome crock pot for Christmas so its time to slow cook it up!  Soup anyone??

Taking better care of myself; inside and out.  Started today with a quick home manicure and pedicure.  Save the $30 and give your tootsies some love at home.  Pinterest is the absolute best for more ideas with soaks, scrubs, and masks.

Business wise...2 listings every other day.  Need to do a massive picture day before the end of January

More to come....Stay tuned

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