Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Beat Flows From Within

Reasons I love new jobs....a whole new world of people including their musical interests.

Bands I'm feeling, flowin with, and possibly crushing on (in no certain order)

META-newer DC band with a debut on the excited heard them play live Friday night and yeah....BUENO!

Redline Graffiti-Hmm...words....honestly AWESOME  Just click the bandcamp link and listen to Numbers and tell me you're not feeling it.  follow here:

listen here:  

Missed hearing them at Artomatic(grrr) a week ago...kinda bummed not gonna lie.  However....Already on the calendar!!

Paperhaus- Its a band, and its a house.  WHAT??????  Yet again, AWESOME.  Its like a crazy blend of smooth bluesy sounding vocals with a little kick of "OOOOO so thats how you feelin huh"  And they're super cool dudes.

Seriously though, if you appreciate good music check em out

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