Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The creativity shall flow

Realizations and creations sometimes hit you at the craziest of times.......

1 am this morning and the urge to create and be fantastic struck.

      It also helped I had the input of a buddy to add to the thinking.

And the creativity leads to the thought process.... and the acceptance. I'm all types of scared to embrace this as a relationship but am totally open to it just coming as it comes. Fears of the past really weigh on us subconciously and conciously as well. 

Now comes the push through, I feel like I'm 75% there and over it.  The forgiveness part is whats holding me back.  I'm not angry but forgiving and forgetting are not my strong points. 

Maybe if I write out a letter to the past and to the future I'll be.....

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