Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Thursday, June 21, 2012

YOLO! 26 is coming upon us

Plans plans plans

So I'm absolutely atrocious at planning things, however I've realized that I gotta work on that if I'm sir says "Go HAAAAAAAAMMMM" for the rest of the year.  (See disclaimer at bottom)


Ideas on the brain:::

1. Yankees-RedSox game in NY~~hello megabus!!!!  And lets be real this is also bucket list material
     July27thish or be decided
Yankees Schedule

2. Yankees-Orioles in Baltimore~~Lightrail+metro+bus=happy me

3.Ravens-Steelers(boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo) in Baltimore Dec 2nd!!!!!!
Ravens Schedule

 4.Ravens-Redskins(booooo) in DC Dec 9th!!!!

5. Ravens-Broncos(boooooooo) in Baltimore Dec 16th!!!

6-...? Still to be decided.  Kinda wanna see a beach though....hmmm never wished I had a vehicle so much

**Yolo Disclaimer**---These are just ideas...Going broke due to sporting events seems like a bad idea....Ugh if only I could win the lotto. You only live once but its not a good life if you're out on the streets.**

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