Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Friday, June 15, 2012

"I'm Proud of What I am....I am a Librarian"

....Okay so as you all (probably) know, I am no librarian, that is my favorite line from "The Mummy" though.  I am however the proud new owner of a DC Public Library card.  And in true me fashion....already have 3 books checked out, and 4 on hold.  In my defense...they're free I didn't buy em.  LOL....

I'm adding this into my whole new life thing I have going on now...books, the great outdoors, and a couple of cocktails(shhhhh). Basically getting out of my zone(a.k.a. my bed) and going exploring.  With a little bad planning you find a lot of awesomeness in DC.

Case in point...Lower Senate Park

I stumbled on this little slice of heaven like 3+ years ago after a really bad breakup...and well POOF here lies peace.  Its a great little spot, with two...yes two different fountains(the pic is the top one)

And this little one here....tucked off on the side of one of the many museums in DC, with a matching one on the other side of the building.  

So as you can see I gave you no directions for these two little fountains. Honestly 50-85% of exploring is finding the stuff that isn't on the maps.  

So go out!
Explore and see what you find

And if you're exploring in DC you might just find me

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