Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Here we go

I think I've finally made some big time decisions.  I'm taking the rest of this year to breathe, whoo sah, and become a happier, healthier me.  NO that doesn't mean some drastic diet or highly intense workout. It means putting Jessica(J-bizzle, JSquiggle, J-boogie, Greeneyes, Piggy, Skittle, Jesster) comments on the variety of crazy names please.

So to start I got a job I actually enjoy going to...major upgrade from feeling like "I have to go to work so suck it up and do it", and I've already cut down/cut out some of the bullshit from my life(sorry kids grown ups are talking, cover your ears).  I'm finding my own little life.  Crazy its taken 25.5 years to do so but well its been an interesting road.

Next step, making me...well me.  No more association with past me...outside of the dear loved ones I have, even if they are all crazy, truly one can never get rid of their HU family and well why would they want to? I'm figuring out the style for my designs, and ready to put forth the full effort into making it a reality(shooting for 2014 since I got yelled at for saying 2015)

Basically this here chick is ready for life. And all the exploring I get to do to find LIFELOVEHAPPINESS.  Oddly enough most of the deep thought process came from watching an old "Wendy Williams Show" interview with Stacey Dash(minor girl crush) and one with Raven Symone(semi major girl crush) in short..letting others define how you roll is not the life anyone should want to live.  And this is me defining me!

Not gonna hide it, this has mostly been a rant after a night out but all in truth.

Signing off and finding utopia

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