Cultivate your curves; they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

- Miss Mae West -

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hampton Ban Response 2

Oh Hampton....I was really hoping the dreadlock ban was a fake when I heard it last week but reading these articles from today....*Sigh*....

So Mr Credle...Your argument as you've presented it is that Charles Drew, Martin Luther King Jr, and Muhammad Ali didn't have dreadlocks so they aren't a professional look...You know what they also didn't have...A BLACK PRESIDENT! Do better its 2012 almost 2013...its hair!!!!  

Stop putting so much emphasis on hair!  Do you not realize you are the EDUCATOR that is suppose to be INSPIRING your students.  Not telling them they wont succeed if they don't look like the guy from VT who DOESN'T have dreads.  What world is this????  We have a Black President, Augusta let in not just a woman but a Black Woman....Can we just focus on changing the world...Stop letting cultural differences continue to segregate a society that really never got over it in the first place regardless of what some may think.  

We choose to look at things with such a negative energy that anything good that comes from it is taken away.  So you mean to say if someone approached this Dean Credle with the best idea in the United States and offered it exclusively to Hampton, he'd look at him in a certain light if they had dreadlocks...because its not professional??

I'm sorry but I've seen some VERY professional looking MEN AND WOMEN with dreadlocks

Hmm they all look pretty professional to me...and not a rapper or athlete in sight....

Do better 2012!!!!

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